Monday, October 31, 2011

The moment lives a memory that would last. Apart of the future
Dying in its past.. Don't love it to fast
Don't take to slow, given we know..
Will be lost in tomorrow, living in sorrow.. In now
As in how, Daring what it is that you're doing.. Caring where it is that you're going.. With flames blowing, lights glowing Goose bumps showing, coming off not Knowing..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

“Where you been “
“You’ve been lost “

I was told once, then over again by a friend
That I’ve been lost, but I’ve been working
Earning for what I’ve been given.
Is there a price tag on the cost of living?
Sacrificing young time... For downtime

Monday, October 24, 2011

At the start of it, the moments I had my heart in it
In being a part of it,
Seems I’ve been caught up in the past
This being the last visit...
Welcoming The Weekend

Friday, October 21, 2011


Pouring out glasses white wine splashes
As the bottle never ages,
But time certainly does, to going on... On what was
And what was just isn’t anymore.
While my feelings come to explore
Nights out... finding myself in doubt
Opposite from me, to having nothing to talk about
With new faces, welcoming the beat that races
The fear in taking chances
Dark rooms, lit up with candle lights
 Reading between the lies, acting as many.. so surprise
 Yea I guess it’s true I’m always there for me
That how it goes when you’re out doing you…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Thinking younger, long after were believing
Anything last forever... It’s like I told
Her... “As time just got older, the past chose to Passover”
 To having gone
From heart to heart
To having go heart over mind
In matter having never been unsure
In seeing good potential
As I seems I’ve been giving time
To common woman, to believing I could even understand one
Without pleasure to now laying across
One another, with eyes at a closure
Keeping me to wonder  
Having lost demeanor in my own personal nature
In my own behavior
In being closer… distant lover

Monday, October 17, 2011

Room at its darkest Thoughts comes to light…
Life at its deepest
The body lays sleepless
As the mind goes restless
The heart beat anxious
Living in cruelness, when at the loneness breathing nervous
As change brings progress, through practice
Searching for a purpose, in life being precious  
Toward a broken promise, dreaming from Paris

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Cheap talk will get you nowhere, while money will
persuade people to do as you like…