Friday, August 26, 2011

Until is all over

It’s like I met her…
New story with old news
Just a different teller
Coming in with the same answer
As my heart hangs deeper than an anchor
Catching myself falling for a daughter
Where in time I’m spending that extra dollar
Like I would do for a stripper  
With offset feelings toward a distant stranger
Leaves me no wiser... to think younger
 See I take Love as a teacher
With a bad tempter that holds the power
To give pleasure to and other
To move further to the future...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Heart filled with hate
Feeling's layered with lies
As it seem it’s too late
I cover my eyes
Envisioning in the dark
Where dreams can embark
 The past into the present
As your future awaits you in it's  presence


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Decoding 5 Day’s from 7

Decoding 5 Day’s from 7
Made a promise with time that ill always use it
Working long days for minimal pay
Never done it for the credit
Because they never notice... struggling to find a path
Sacrificing to find a way
As my days only seem there on replay
Fighting not to give it up midway
But what would this life lead
For success is what I’m trying to portray
Living 22 years young and not having anything to show
Parked out in the driveway
But somehow I find myself out every Friday
With moments I can’t forget
As to memories I fine to regret  
Most Sundays…

With 7 having nothing to show
As time only slowed having not know
A year ago... with no care in the world
Given 11; 11 whispering a lonely prayer
As the room feels colder with a sudden beat
That beats further. With sudden words ‘all will be better’

Friday, August 19, 2011

So tell me something else
As you say my name like no one Els
Given words of success
As this weighs of my chest
With this time... I don’t want to waste
I rather we share it together
Given the words that you’ll always remember
Do you remember?
I’ll be happy to remind you
As long you don’t let anyone out here blind you
For you hold nothing but value
That I’m trying to pursue
But feeling if only I’m standing in the same place
Like a standing statue
Because honesty my conscious is telling me
I need someone to lean to
To save me from the truth

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Too much to understand
As I was just a young man
Just sitting alone in the room
Hearing nothing but screams with booms
As I go crawling beneath the bed
  Watching blood pouring down ones head
With your clothes covered in red
As it seems your
Shedding tears from the dead
But chose to watch in fear
Given the facts the end sits near
Given by the 6 year
You were gone as you walk out
Given us the benefit of the doubt
Thinking you were force-out
But that was never the case
And now I look in the mirror every morning
To see the face
That brought pain in my second life
Whom you called your wife
As you Left every night and slepy in every morning
yea The “Night Life”
Which you lived
Which it makes me hard to Forgive

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pure love lets admire without desiring
With the silence in the fire
Never knowing what's there
Hidden before our eyes
Having be to afraid to search.. Often to scared to care..
With apolgies we've come to forgive
Having never to promise forever
For forever can't be lived
..And as to..
To every breath lived daily
In the photo I can't let go
In time just know
To the one who admires you greatly
will always
See the inner beauty..

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Bunch!

The first to make my heart beat
Growing up... To understand
I Thank You to keep me off the streets
Always pushing me to the right direction
As you stare
Seeing nothing...
But a mirrored reflection
Of your love... A lost face
That i came to replace
Cause I know. As they do
No one can ever take your place
Whatever the case
So I Thank You...
For always staying true
With a smile that would last a mile or two
& for that I echo the words
I Love You..
Starring into your eyes
Only to see heavens view..
For the tears.. are my cries
As the smiles of joy
Are my highs... Yea are my
A flash for the moment... The image of you
With a picture that will never change
Even if you ever do...
With flashing thoughts of how I feel
As the heart that lays broken
Leaving it hard for words
To keep em unspoken…

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Beauty that lies within the distant eyes
As Common sense sits within our presence
With sudden goodbyes leaving the heart that cries
Only to choose to stay around in suspense
For love blocks the truth... taken the hand
Only to be given proof
But why listen? For weeks to come you’ll be missing

A part from the past.. Given the mistake to have it last...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I've found in life
Objects in the mirror
Are closer than they appear...
As im reaching out right now
Over hearing the little words of doubt
Given ther were only poinson..
Cause chances are
You will never take one..
As im searching pass somehow
For only you knew how bad
I wanted to find it
But the stories were always and issue
As I fine myself..
Falling through the moment I lost you...

Friday, August 5, 2011


Its been while
I know it has...
How you been?
They always ask..
Catching up with & old friend
Afraid of the fact's
It's possible We could fall again...
Why couldn't I see it then?
Over hearing The light is always brighter
At the end..