Friday, April 20, 2012

20th April

Losing myself trying to care for Someone who doesn't cAre for losing yourself, as I'm admitting I fell for a canceR given the late cAlls sHe was found to ignore taking up time putting up walls, while thinking unsure missing and a item we once were, with understanding she bruises easily hearing the pain in her voice ' I swear there all lies ' suffered from one of many lies.. Sending off our last goodbyes, now with a few years later the past approaching the future, in believing you might answer, "dial the number do what your HEART desires and just call her you stupid mother fucker" *ring* Thinking.. Happiest exist when you don't know a thing... In letting is all hang listening on the dial tone. Leave a voice, as leaving you was an unpleasant choice... I could hear you. “Have you talked to? Who? Was there one or were more than two?" well” I’ll be dishonest if I said I didn't speak to a few But I'm being honest when I say not one of them amounted to you... With my mind and heart arguing on whether I should care for a stranger looking beautiful as ever, taking me a year ago on this day on and open letter as I awoke that morning reading on the words that you spoke.

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